Member Rules & Guidelines

Frankie’s Corner: Member Rules & Guidelines

1. Member Privacy

  • Respect the privacy of fellow members at all times.
  • Personal information shared within the lounge is confidential and should not be disclosed outside.

2. Serenity and Respect

  • Maintain the tranquil atmosphere of our space; this is a place of relaxation and retreat.
  • Any form of disturbance is discouraged. Please enjoy the lounge’s calm environment quietly.

3. Guest Responsibility

  • Members are accountable for their guests’ conduct. Ensure they adhere to our lounge’s standards.
  • All guests must be registered before entering the lounge with a Companion Pass.

4. Kindness is Key

  • Treat staff and fellow members with kindness and consideration.
  • Any behavior contrary to our community’s spirit of respect will not be tolerated.

5. Door Etiquette

  • For everyone’s safety, please ensure the door closes securely behind you upon entering and exiting.
  • The security of our space is a shared responsibility.

6. Code Confidentiality

  • The keypad code provided is for your use only and must not be shared.
  • Protecting the code maintains the exclusivity and security of our membership.

7. No Illegal Activity

  • Illegal substances or activities are strictly prohibited on the premises.
  • Any member found in violation will have their membership revoked immediately.

8. Tidy as You Go

  • Help maintain the cleanliness and order of the lounge. If you move it, return it; if you use it, take care of it.

9. Age Verification

  • Members and guests must be 21 or older. ID verification is required for entry.

10. Respect the Rules

  • These guidelines are in place to ensure a safe and enjoyable environment for all.
  • Failure to adhere to these rules may result in suspension or termination of membership.

By joining Frankie’s Corner, you agree to uphold these rules and contribute positively to our community’s ethos. Together, we create a space where comfort, care, and community are paramount.

Welcome to our corner of tranquility.